Again,WOW!New year.I am not entirely sure whether I want a new year.Actually this year had been a disastreous year for me.I lose some stuff and in the same time I did gain some experience.Although it doesn't end badly,I am pretty sure its the worst year ever.You know how kids use to say,''I wanna grow up fast.''?Yeah I said that too.But when I really experience being a teenager,I really wish I taken back my words and I wish I would stay forever young.THATS a dream come true.No fuss no drama no nothing.Just eat,sleep,play and shit.Seriously,parents make it seem so easy to be an adult.But truthfully I can see in their eyes as I grow up there is pain and stress.I know one day when I grow up I will somehow end up like that.After all,life s a cycle.Always the same routine no matter what path you take.It is so sickening.I just wish something different would happen.Something better.
I really been through a lot this year and I learnt from it but I got a feeling I will make the same mistakes again.Its just unavoidable.I did cried a lot this year.Old habits die hard.Sometimes there are words that cut deeper than any blades could ever cut.I know some of you did go through this kind of things right?I did choose a wrong path once but I never did think about the consequences and when it all comes to a bad end,I think back and I blame myself.Who else can I blame?I choose this path,I must face the consequences.Its just the way it has to be.
But I do have my I-love-it part also.And those are with all my friends.I just want to say I really am happy to have friends like this.Couldn't have ask for a better one.I really appreciate them.From being there for me to be my shoulder to cry on.So I am so proud to say they are my kawan baiks.:)Love you.
Conclusion,One of my best and worst year ever.Best because I really did gain experience about being a teenager and worst because truthfully I really hate the pain I felt.But I am going to change it.I am going to live my life to the fullest like nobody's bussiness.My mission possible 1.New year get ready here I come.
Happy New Year.Posting this at 12midnight.
Sincerely yours,
Love is timeless.
I want to be like that.:)