When for spot check,i was spotcheck-ing 1Jujur then in the end there stood Punitha.Then Ashiqin was like,''i am not checking her," and i say;"me too!,".So we go around and dare ppl as in prefect to spot-check her.And our hero Joey(a.k.a. Young Thoughtful Needed) did the deeds.Well actually Joey just gave her orders and she just do it so then again no thanks to YTN.Well i actually feel pity for her that she don't really have friends.She is a nice girl.But what to do?Go back to class and do BM.After that when for this ceramah.Illa was talking so loud and then Puan Teng was like,"You are all very noisy," then we keep our mouth sealed for a while.Then in the dewan we make noise again.I sat with Shiqin-ikan and Joey was sitting with Illa.They were doing JY LOVE ILLA using tack-it.Then Ashiqin was like lesbo.We also wrote on the paper losers and show them.Well we call Joey loser and she turn behind so we laugh again.Luckily Illa never turn behind.To Joey:Next time don't turn behind when we don't mention your name.Then Illa wrote perasans on a paper but we know already so we never look and pretend we are blind.Then ceramah habis already and definitely Illa and Joey have to take out the tack-it from the table.Me and Ashiqin was like,"ha-ha yours doesn't last long and ours is permanent(we wrote on the paper),".Then we call them POP-POT.So it sounds like kentut.Well no wonder they are the busuks,kan Ashiqin?Then go back class for maths and Mr.Yap the Maths panitia was there to check our books.Teacher was nervous and i don't understand what she says coz she biasanya talk malay.So after Maths when to KH and kena nag from Pn.Janah.Humphh!Don't know why lar she always nag!Small but scary.When recess after that and as usually dutying at canteen.Before dutying,went to toilet and meet Ashiqin on the way there and I was like,"Emergency!," and she say,"Oh,i saw something leaking,".How bad of you!Then for PJ, Shash come and tell me something but i don't find it shocking.Talk to Joey about stuff.And thanks for always be there for me.Brenda look so happy running on the field.So hawt and atheletic lar my babe.Then talk,talk,talk to Joey and Ruth(a.k.a. Rasional Thoughtful) about clothes and dress.I must shop for more dress.Bell rang and went back to class for PS.Then come down again and sit at Pokok Cemerlang.Talk to Ruth,Shashfiny and Sandy.Talk about stuff.Then reach home and saw my mummy then she go and ta-pau ba ku teh for us.So sedap!Took some picture as usual.
upside down!
the Khongsuwans
(see this Joey)
do they?
so adore-able!
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